Just a place for me to hoot and holler about things I'm interested in.
Published on October 6, 2004 By Daniel Ruoss In Political Machine
This guy is kicking my butt! You'd think I was running as a Nazi in 1944 the way he's spanking me! Does anybody have some hints as to chinks in his armor? I've tried out endorsing him but he just keeps whiping me out in the Northern states. He does some weird things like taking out 6 newspaper adds on the same issue in one state. I guess he's on to something.
on Oct 06, 2004
I just beat him today with George Washington (Lincoln as running mate). If you get screwed on random events early, restart because it will make things that much harder. I focused on the big states (California, Florida, Texas, Illinois(Lincoln), Ohio, Pennsylvania, etc.) but not New York (too hard to get). If you can get fully upgraded HQ's in big states, and smaller ones in some smaller states where you have a decent chance of winning (ie the South, the non-coastal western and central states, Alaska, Hawaii, (Alaska and Hawaii are easy to win--just build an outpost in each, and say you support drilling in ANWR in the newspaper),etc.), you won't get too far behind, and can use the $$$ they generate to get ads later. And, near the end, use a lot TV ads to make SURE you win big states. And a webmaster or 2 might help on states where you have a lot of ads using up your $$$. Beyond that, if you feel you have a chance, save after week 30, and load if you lose (1st try, he won California and a couple other biggies (Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois) and I was screwed, 2nd time I won).

Good luck--you might need it!
on Oct 07, 2004
One trick I have learned is to tweak your Character again. If you are using a original Character creation of your own, Check out their stats and then click onto your Character, go into the edit and revamp him/her a little bit. It'll ask you if you want to overwrite your character, say yes and you'll be able to use your new tweaked stats in the campaign. I always make sure my stats of Charisma, Stamina, Credibility, Fundraising and money are around 6-8. I find that if I try to match an opponent that is giving me fits as close as I can I have an easier time, and they have to fight to outpace me which causes them to spend more money. Hope that helps.

/Reagan's Clone/
on Oct 08, 2004
I like a character with full stamina and a lot of $$$/fundraising because it makes it easier for me to build HQs early. I also like to pick a running mate that will compliment my abilities, (ie, one that has a lot of experience if I dont), or create my own super-running mate, because that way, I can spend my first 20 weeks pretty much just building HQs (and fundraisers), and the rest fighting back (I usually have about 1-3 states at the week 20-25 mark, and look like I will get slaughtered, but use all of the $$$ and awareness generated by the HQs to come back with over 300 evs). I played as a Democrat first, using a custom character (full stamina, $$$, fundraising, military experience, and realigion, and basically everything Chloe doesn't have 8-10 in) and Chloe as a running mate to get Washington and Lincoln, and used them in the other campaign. Good luck