Just a place for me to hoot and holler about things I'm interested in.
Published on November 18, 2004 By Daniel Ruoss In Politics
Just wondering where any Democrats might be throwing their support. So far I think for sure you're going to have Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Bill Richardson in the race. (But I'm Republican, so what do I know about who's "Democratically" popular! )

Anyone care to comment on who they think will run? Their pros and cons?

on Nov 18, 2004
So far I'm not sure weve even seen who the candidate might be. It may be a surprise like in '76 when Carter was nominated. Personally I believe if we nominate another northeastern "liberal" then we are in trouble. I would prefer a no nonsense midwestern candidate that is personable and can show that he/she is a leader. I also believe that person will need to break away from some long held party doctine to come closer to the middle like Clinton did. They will also need to come up with something brave and new (a fix for social security would be a big help). We must rail against the big government Republicans.
on Nov 18, 2004
well, as a burnt out Deaniac, DEAN! DEANDEANDEAN!
pros: seems intelligent, popular among liberal Dems, grassroots campaign, fundraising, can't call him a flip-flopper like Kerry
cons: Northeastern liberal, unpopular among Republicans, YEEARGH!!!

Seriously though, I think Richardson will be strong in '08 (popular, Southwestern governor, good chance of winning Hispanic vote in Southwest, Florida). I don't think Edwards will run again, because Cheney tried to make his inexperience an issue, plus he's out of a job now. Hillary will run, but won't win the nomination because she really energizes the Republican base, and will have practically no chance of winning. Wesley Clark might also be a good candidate. But I think McCain would be practically unstoppable anyway if he decides to run (barring 4 (more) years of total incompetence by the Bush administration, or if Iraq goes really bad), so it will all be futile.